April 08, 2024

CRU Nitrogen + Syngas USA will return to Tulsa, OK, USA on April 15-17, 2024.
Part of the CRU Nitrogen + Syngas series, CRU have a proven track record of bringing
together operators and technical experts to share experience and develop best
practice in operations, reliability and maintenance of ammonia, methanol, hydrogen,
syngas and urea plants. This regional event is designed to provide operators with
practical takeaways and information on new technology developments that can help them
to operate their plants in a more reliable and efficient way.
We invite all interested parties to know more about SPRANA’s on-line Industrial
Process Instrumentation (PAI) for Nitrogen industry (UREA, UAN, DEF, Ammonia).
Please visit Sprana’s booth No.80
For more information please contact us:
Mr. Ricardas Razgaitis
Director of Business Development
mob. +370 640 04521
January 09, 2024

We invite all interested parties to know more about Industrial process
instrumentation (PAI) for Nitrogen industry in
30th AFA Int’l Annual Fertilizer Conference & Exhibition
during the period 27-29 of February 2024, at the Nile Ritz Carlton, Cairo, Egypt.
Please visit Sprana’s booth No.8.
For more information please contact us:
Mr. Ricardas Razgaitis, Business Development
mob. +370 640 04521
June 27, 2023

Stamicarbon and Sprana win a Eurostars grant to develop a new innovation.
Sprana and its partner Stamicarbon have won a Eurostars grant to develop a new innovation. The submitted innovation project is based on applying Near InfraRed (NIR) spectroscopy for online analysis of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) and was evaluated among 211 applications.
The submission was assessed as “very good” and received a positive recommendation for funding, announced in an official winners’ ceremony in The Hague, the Netherlands. From 63 Dutch applications, the proposal ranked 12th out of 27 funded projects.
The initiative results from an open innovation cooperation between Stamicarbon and Sprana to increase the product portfolio in Advance Services with functional products based on NIR desired by the market. The cooperation foresees the future development of new applications for urea and green ammonia. At the same time, it could also play a role as an IoT solution to be integrated with the Process Monitor, part of Stami Digital.
“Having received multiple requests, Stamicarbon is proud to launch a new digital product that will help its customers to optimize their plant operations in a more sustainable way. The NIR spectroscopy tool will meet a growing demand for real-time quality measurement of DEF solutions, helping to avoid rework and reduce the production footprint,” said Tom Tiethof, Product and Market Analysis Manager at Stamicarbon.
Eurostars is a European innovation program and initiative from EUREKA and the European Commission. It helps companies to develop technological innovations focused on market demand, intending to reduce the time to market and technological risks by providing financial support to the product development program.
Stamicarbon B.V. (Urea technology licensing leader) website.May 18, 2023

Official Announcement: Sprana LTD Secures 1.08 Million Euro Loan Agreement with INVEGA for Breakthrough NIR On-line Process Instrumentation Development.
Sprana LTD is pleased to announce that on May 18, 2023, the company co-founder Mindaugas Steponavičius has successfully signed a loan agreement with INVEGA, a financial institution incorporated by the State of Lithuania. The 1.08 million euro loan is specifically dedicated to the development of breakthrough NIR on-line Process Instrumentation for the Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry.
As part of this agreement, Sprana LTD will allocate 250 thousand euros from its own resources towards this project, with the remaining 834 thousand euros being financed by a long-term loan from INVEGA. We are proud to share that the loan includes a 20% subsidy from the Lithuanian state, highlighting the government's support for deep-tech innovative projects within the country.
The primary objective of this investment is to develop a NIR on-line prototype and a dedicated calibration model, which will be a “game changer” in the Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry, which will result in higher profitability and efficiency of fertilizer plants. While the specific details and application of this development are currently confidential, we are excited about the potential impact it will have on enhancing industrial processes and product streams in the sector.
We encourage all stakeholders, industry professionals, and interested parties to stay tuned for updates on this exciting project. We believe that through this collaboration, we can contribute to the growth and success of the Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry.
About INVEGA: INVEGA is a financial institution incorporated by the State of Lithuania. Dedicated to supporting economic growth, INVEGA offers various financial solutions and subsidies to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment within Lithuania.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Ricardas Razgaitis, Business Development Manager, Sprana Ltd.
mob. +370 640 04521
April 06, 2023

Excited to share that our CEO, Dr. Raimundas Steponavičius, delivered a captivating lecture on Sprana, Ltd Analyzers at the Stamicarbon event NASTEM 2023 on April 5th.
His talk emphasized the significance of measurement accuracy in driving technological advancement and societal progress. Titled "Sprana Analyzers: Enhancing Measurement Accuracy for Innovation," the lecture took place from 12.00 to 12.30 on Wednesday.
We're thrilled to have received positive feedback from the audience and look forward to building lasting, value-driven business relationships as a result.
February 09, 2023

We invite all production, process and quality engineers to update business acumen about Industrial Process Instrumentation (PAI) for Nitrogen industry in Visit us in CRU Nitrogen+Syngas 2023 Europe on March 6-8th in Barcelona, Spain, booth No.62.
If you want a live demo or more information please contact:
Mr. Ricardas Razgaitis
mob. +370 640 04521
January 18, 2023

We are attending NASTEM 2023 organized by our technological partner Stamicarbon B.V.
Our own dr. Raimundas Steponavičius- Co-founder, Head of RnD and Mr.
Ricardas Razgaitis- Business Development Manager will represent Sprana,
let's meet in Colorado Springs, US, on April 4-6!
It’s valuable opportunity to know about Sprana, Ltd ANALYZERS for Nitrogen Industry from the direct source (manufacturer) and improve your technological and business acumen about on-line Process Analytical Instrumentation for Industry 4.0!
Listen to Dr. Raimundas Steponavičius live presentation in Colorado Springs, USA:
Apr 05th 11.45 - 12.15,
Centennial Ballroom
April 04, 2022

We invite all interested parties to know more about Industrial process
analytics (PAT) for Nitrogen industry in
CRU Nitrogen+Syngas 2022 USA
on May 2-4th in Tulsa, USA.
Please visit Sprana’s booth No.41.
March 25, 2022

We invite all interested parties to know more about Industrial process analytics (PAT) for Nitrogen industry in CRU Nitrogen+Syngas 2022 Europe
on March 28-30th in Berlin, Germany.
Please visit Stamicarbon’s booth No.24 and Sprana’s booth No.50.
January 31, 2022
Stamicarbon signs a technological partnership agreement with Sprana Ltd.
On January 17th, 2022, Stamicarbon CEO Pejman Djavdan, VP Services Henri Smolenaers and Sprana CEO Raimundas Steponavičius signed the technological cooperation agreement to co-develop Process Analytic Technology (PAT) solutions for Nitrogen Industry processes.
Cooperation between the leading urea licensor from the Netherlands and the near-infrared (NIR) applied spectroscopy experts from Lithuania will bring Industry 4.0 innovations into the nitrogen fertilizer industry and, in particular, the urea process.
Process Analytical Technology provides the ability to optimize fertilizer production processes with digitization and real-time process monitoring techniques, such as the Stami Digital Process Monitor (SDPM). The PAT with SDPM will allow plant operators to optimize the production process in the most efficient and reliable way.
The first developments will focus on the on-line analysis of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)/AdBlue® and urea solution. These best-in-market Quality Assurance instruments will allow nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing organizations to reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions and feedstock consumption to improve OPEX.
Stamicarbon and Sprana will participate in CRU Nitrogen+Syngas 2022 Europe on March 28-30th in Berlin, Germany. For more information about the development of these new PAT Process analyzers and their benefits for your Urea, DEF and UAN plant process control, please visit Stamicarbon’s booth No.24 and Sprana’s booth No.50.
April 07, 2021
SPRANA invite you to take part in the Fifth technical online session of discussion club SCIF which will be held on 28 April, 2021 at 10:00 (UTC +3).
You will get an opportunity to watch the presentations on the most important issues of digitalization of production processes and the latest technological solutions for optimizing enterprises work, as well as ask questions to the speakers, including our CEO Mindaugas Steponavičius.
Speaker Companies:
- Haldor Topsoe;
- Sprana;
- Haver & Boecker Niagara;
- Navigance GmbH.
The General Sponsor of the event is TÜV SÜD.
Participation in the online session is free of charge under the condition of prior registration.
Register now and become a part of a significant event for the development of the chemical industry.
March 01, 2021

Second time Sprana Ltd participated in CRU Nitrogen + Syngas Europe (virtual) conference 2021 March 1-3rd.
Learn more
February 15, 2021

First time Sprana Ltd had a virtual booth in USA virtual conference CRU Nitrogen + Syngas 2021 February 16-18th.
Learn more