Care service
for Sprana NIRSpec UAN Process analyzers
remote maintenance
1 month subscription
Basic service software functionality;
Calibration model updates;
Basic statistic history log (90 days);
Telephone support, 8am-5pm GMT+3;
Technician ready to depart in 5 working days;
E-mail reply within 24h (working week from 8am to 5pm GMT+3).
remote and on site maintenance
1 month subscription for 1 measurement point
Full service software functionality;
Calibration model updates;
Advanced statistics (Six Sigmas KPI, SPC analysis, OEE);
History log (90 days);
Periodic hardware and software diagnostics;
Monthly pdf. reports on instrument performance and maintenance;
Telephone support, 8am-5pm GMT+3;
E-mail reply within 6h (working week from 8am to 5pm GMT+3);
Technician ready to depart in 72h;
Yearly 1 day Sprana engineer site visit, physical inspection and maintenance recommendation;
1,5 hours training per year included during site visit;
Consumables parts delivery contract.
24/7 Hotline support (Only for expert level trained staff. Trained by SPRANA)- 3.200€ per 1 year.
Technician ready to depart in 48h, for 6 months period. 1.000€ per 3 months.
Sprana engineer extra site visit (travel cost and hotel excluded)- 1.500€ per 1 day.
Sprana reserves the right to modify or withdraw these products or services without advance notice. The products, services or characteristics contained in this document may not be available in all countries. Features in this document may vary according to customer specifications. This is not binding document, Sprana keeps the right to change the pricing without notice. For commercial offer please contact sales department.